The Valentine Braun Scholarship was established in memory of Mrs. Valentine and Mr. Alexander Braun.
Tuition scholarships are available for the Fall Semester, August 2025-December 2025 and/or the Spring Semester, January 2026-May 2026.
Any individual who is planning to attend, or attending, a post-secondary institution of higher learning at either a Kansas Board of Regents (or its successor) college or university or a State of Kansas accredited vocational training school in the Fall Semester, August 2025-December 2025 and/or the Spring Semester, January 2026-May 2026 is eligible to apply for these scholarships. Scholarships are not available for summer school classes or other classes offered outside of the 2025 Fall or the 2026 Spring Semesters. Scholarships will be awarded only for use at an academic institution which qualifies as a public charity as defined by Internal Revenue Code 170(b)(1)(A)(ii). See Kansas Board of Regents website for a list of eligible academic institutions for these scholarships.
To be considered for these scholarships, the individual must complete, sign and submit the enclosed application and applicable enclosures, postmarked or delivered to a courier service on or before the applicable application acceptance period deadline (Go to Scholarship Program deadline page for exact dates). Applications submitted on prior year forms will not be considered. Applications, enclosures, all correspondence and forms will only be accepted by mail via the United States Postal Service postage prepaid or other courier services that provide tracking including but not limited to Federal Express, United Parcel Service, etc. at the following address:
The Valentine Braun Scholarship
Attention: Scholarship Committee
5623D 22nd Park
Topeka, Kansas 66614
For more specific information on how to apply for the scholarship visit FAQ page of this web site. Forms to download in PDF will be available on the website beginning December 16, 2024 and ending on the last day of the application acceptance period. For more information go to or the calendar below.
ALL questions are to be submitted to
Thank you for visiting our website.
Last updated in November/December 2024.